We meet all your organizational communication needs.

Experience a professional connection with Roka.

Online meetings and training
(Web Conference)

Web conferencing is a conference and meetings that are held in the webspace and virtually. Roka web conferencing system makes it possible to hold meetings in various dimensions with the minimum facilities. All managers and employees of banks, departments, organizations, and companies can enter the meeting without leaving their desks.

Online meetings

(Roka online meeting system)

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, public companies have been using the online platform to prevent the physical accumulation of shareholders, which is a new experience. To use this platform, shareholders participate in the meeting online after authentication and with the appropriate tools (mobile phone/laptop/tablet/personal computer).

One-way live streaming


In Roka Live Streaming System, you can stream your content directly to your audience on the Internet. Since the coronavirus outbreaking, stock exchanges, banks, and corporate executives have turned to the LIVE system

Roka, web conferencing software tailored to the domestic needs of the country

hours of events
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number of participants in the event
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events held
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Get to know Roka better

About Us

Today, for many reasons, such as physical health and distance, people use virtual and telecommuting systems for most of their communications in business, education, etc.

Remote work services are in three types:
1. Organizational web conferencing systems
2. Educational conference systems (such as classrooms)
3. Live streaming systems (one-way)
Roka’s service provides all the mentioned remote work systems to organizations, offices, institutions, schools, etc., with valuable capabilities that you can see in catalogs and videos.

Features of the online meeting system

Roka designed a live streaming system for organizations to hold their online meetings with our specific services. In the following, we will review the features and capabilities of this system

1. Providing appropriate bandwidth to cover shareholders fully (3 links of 10 GB)

3. shareholders can send questions privately and view the answer in their panel (private question and answer system)

5. Holding maneuvers before the meeting

7. Verifying users or shareholders in various ways

9. Providing a guideline in PDF format and unique login page to each company, considering the corporate color and logo of that company

2. Providing a voting and polling system in different forms and based on the percentage of shares

4. Providing all facilities for video and sound recording, splitter, switcher, lighting system, and all peripherals

6. WAF, DDOS firewall security systems, and equipment for virtual meeting security

8. Offering videos and reports after the meeting

10. Shareholders management through the control panel and simultaneously send the output of images on social networks

Online meeting facilities

Some features of Roka Web Conference System (holding meetings in absentia)

1. No need for plugins or any additional software

3. Specific panel for recording meetings

5. Messenger connection

7. Web conferencing cameras supporting

9. Public chat system among participants

2. Meeting recording system

4. SMS panel to invite users to the meeting

6. Participate in the session without internet (by phone)

8. Screen sharing

10. High quality of videos with minimum bandwidth

Live streaming facilities

One-way live streaming capability with a high number of participants (up to 10 thousand people) for meetings, seminars, conferences, and all one-way speeches

1. Supporting mobile operating system (Android, iOS)

3. Capability to record previous live meeting

5. Authenticate users if needed

7. Ability to change the images behind the speaker in an instant

2. Play Back on previous event

4. Ability to manage people online

6. Playing online with different qualities

8. Customizing based on customer needs